Post Jam Update 2

Hey everyone! 
Set some time aside to fix up even more bugs, do some more polish, and overall just make the game better!
Also, I added a hard mode, for those looking for some challenge!

It's looking like this will be the last update, unless there are more bugs to fix. It's been a fun ride making this, and I'm so happy so many people played.

Here's the changelog:

ending the game now runs game_restart() to force all variables to clear out
0 and O now both trigger the objectives UI
army soldiers now spawn all over
army soldiers no longer shoot each other
added hard mode
centered dialog better
pausing now works
the console now requires you to press  [redacted] to open it
a handful of other misc changes
performance improvements


RockWell County: Blackout Version 4 58 MB
Jul 02, 2019

Get Rockwell County Blackout

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